
-Launching Refugee Reporting Project: Amplifying Voices of Hope and Self-Reliance:


In commemoration of World Refugee Day June 20th, 2024. The Peace Journalism Foundation of Uganda (PJF) is launching a special refugee reporting initiative this Thursday to raise awareness about refugee issues. The project is a special Multimedia coverage of refugees through one of PJF Media platform, ‘The Voice for Peace and Development (VPD)’.

The Project aims to provide a platform for refugees to share their stories, highlight their resilience, and advocate for their rights. It will spotlight the Ugandan Government's positive interventions for refugees. Through collaborative efforts with local and international partners, the project will promote peace, understanding, and solidarity with refugees.

It will document voices of hope to amplify stories of self-reliance and community support. The stories will showcase refugee talents and peacebuilding efforts and highlight the contributions of humanitarian agencies like UNHCR and IOM and cover refugee successes, challenges, and individual triumphs. It will feature stories from exiled refugee journalists and host journalists covering events in and around refugee communities.

The project will be implemented through utilizing a team of 12 refugee reporters and 15 Ugandan reporters for comprehensive coverage. It will coordinate with refugee communities, local organizations, and humanitarian agencies for information gathering by conducting interviews, capturing multimedia content, and documenting stories of resilience and hope.

This special reporting is much needed because of under reporting of refugee issues in general. PJF expects the project will increase awareness about refugee issues and contributions to society and recognition of Uganda's exemplary refugee policy and positive interventions.

Empowerment of refugee voices and promotion of self-reliance narratives and enhance understanding of the challenges faced by refugees and the support mechanisms available through meaningful storytelling and advocacy efforts.

PJF Background:

The Peace Journalism Foundation (PJF) Uganda, is a women and youth led Multimedia peace organization founded by a team of dynamic Ugandan journalists committed to promoting peace through their reporting despite challenges like poverty, conflict, climate change, refugees and misinformation.

PJF uses Peace Journalism principles to reduce violence, collaborating with local groups and media to combat media induced violence. PJF mission includes training journalists, advocating for vulnerable groups like women, children, refugees and persons living with disability, and combating misinformation. PJF Initiatives include capacity building, research support, community peace clubs, and responsible coverage. 


Despite challenges like limited funding and regional insecurity, PJF remains steadfastly committed to effecting positive change. PJF invites partnerships to expand local peace projects and enhance peace journalism in East Africa, aiming to reshape media towards peace and tolerance for a more peaceful future.Top of Form

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