Breaking the Link between Human Trafficking and Forced Migration

Hill Briefing:

Human Trafficking / Forced Migration and the Legislation that Can Break the Link

The Alliance to End Human Trafficking (AEHT) and the National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd (NAC) seek attainable bi-partisan solutions to reduce human trafficking in the U.S. through diminishing root causes of migration, protecting unaccompanied children, and speeding up asylum seekers’ access to work. These two faith-based networks are hosting a briefing on Capitol Hill at 9:30 am on Thursday, June 6, titled "Breaking the Link Between Human Trafficking and Forced Migration."

AEHT and NAC are pleased to announce Honorary Co-Chairs for the briefing are Congressman Dan Goldman (D-NY-10) and Congresswoman Maria Salazar (R-FL-27) and are grateful for their support and active concern for people endangered by human trafficking.

Hill Briefing:

Human Trafficking / Forced Migration and the Legislation that Can Break the Link

Thursday, June 6, 2024 | 9:30 -11:00 am
2045 Rayburn House Office Building

Q&A included | media interview availability following briefing