During Advent, we learn to cleanse and educate our eyes to behold the light of fervent hope shining in the midst of darkness. (Vuelo en V)
In the warm glow of hope's light, we approach Advent with simplicity, a rich and profound time to dare to dream — alongside the God of Jesus — of a humanity reborn.
Throughout this season, we reflect on our experiences, allowing God to whisper his will in each event. With an attitude of active expectation, we open our senses to welcome the new arrival of a Love, marked with a capital letter, that lifts us from inertia and discontent, propelling us to be spokespeople and witnesses for the imminent birth of the new.
In Advent, we dare to be enlightened by the holy Scriptures and the Divine Presence that lends us its vision, encouraging and animating us in our ordinary lives. With this assistance, we look inward to delicately touch and transform those experiences in need of healing and change.
Advent is a fitting time to listen to the cries of our people and to strive for an end to wars and violence.
During Advent, we learn to cleanse and educate our eyes to behold the light of fervent hope shining in the midst of darkness, reminding us of the myriad reasons to fight, strive and rebuild. It is a fitting time to listen to the cries of our people and to strive for an end to wars and violence.
Once again, the words of John the Baptist resonate loudly: "I am a voice crying in the wilderness: Make straight the way of the Lord" (John 1:6-8; 19-28). This desire is heard in every person of goodwill who continues to raise their voice in support of freedom, democracy, and a dignified life for excluded and exploited peoples.
Advent is an opportunity to heal humanity's wounds with the balm of compassion, tenderness, justice and forgiveness. It is a grateful song of daily miracles that unfold with candor and, like the roots beneath the earth, grow silently, revitalizing life.
This desire to 'make straight the way of the Lord' is heard in every person of goodwill who continues to raise their voice in support of freedom, democracy, and dignified life for excluded and exploited peoples.
Advent embodies the dreams of the young and the wisdom of our grandparents, who have wisely listened to the heartbeat of the diverse and complex realities accompanying us, offering concrete answers to their cries.
Advent invites us to gaze through the window of our lives with mercy, welcoming both light and shadow with generosity. It's a time to be grateful for gifts received and project ourselves with hope. Simultaneously, we question ourselves and find the answers about the meaning of our lives and how we serve our purpose.
We prepare ourselves to reread, in the light of faith, the experience of a personal encounter with the God of Jesus who pitches his tent among humanity. He gently surprises us with the gift of his truth, allowing us to restart our journey as followers of his Son.
Once again, as humanity faces numerous cries, we raise our voices to sing:
Maranatha, come, Lord!
Come, Lord, and kindle the light of joyful expectation of your presence.
Come, Lord, and renew our hearts in need of your peace.
Come, Lord, and help us walk together as a church going forth.
Come, Lord, and strengthen our bonds of brotherhood.