Guide: Sisters respond to expanding coronavirus situation


In times of crisis, people come together to help. So it's strange that the coronavirus pandemic forces most people to separate and sit on the sidelines. The best thing we can do to stop its spread is to spread apart, but it seems like we should be doing much more! We need a hero, someone to step up and do something amazing. But often the heroes are simply ordinary people – including ourselves – doing extraordinary things. 


Jesus was the one his friends turned to when they needed something amazing, such as feeding huge crowds or keeping their boat from capsizing. But Jesus taught them – and us – the power of working together. We can share our bread. We can grab an oar. Even by staying home and washing our hands, we can make a difference.


Note: Activities in GSR in the Classroom instructor guides usually are designed to be used in classroom or parish settings by larger gathered groups. Because coronavirus precautions prohibit these gatherings, this activity is designed for at-home use and for online video gatherings.

Begin by inviting participants to relax and sit upright, with their feet on the floor and their hands free and resting on their knees. Ask them to close their eyes, then say:

"Imagine yourself at a big event that was going to happen before the coronavirus pandemic. [pause]

How many people are gathered for the occasion? [pause]

Are people cheering or making a lot of noise? [pause]

Who or what is the focus of everyone’s attention? [pause]

What’s going on behind the scenes? Are there ticket-takers or ushers, referees or security staff? [pause]

What is your role? Are you part of the crowd or in the spotlight? [pause]

How does it feel to be part of this big gathering?" [pause]

Invite students to open their eyes. Ask for volunteers to share what they were imagining [be prepared to share your own example to prompt other responses].


Begin by synthesizing what has been shared, saying something like "We’re missing out on a lot these days – sports tournaments, concerts, maybe even proms or graduations or weddings. Hopefully, there will be ways to make these up when the pandemic is over. But for now, let’s discuss a few things:"

  • How are the people in the spotlight important to the folks in the crowd or behind the scenes? 
  • How are the folks in the crowd or behind the scenes important to the people in the spotlight?
  • How are you important to the event that you imagined?

Conclude by saying: "Each of us is important. We each bring gifts and abilities into any situation we encounter, even something as bizarre as the coronavirus pandemic. As we’ll discover today, we all have a role to play. Like Jesus' friends when a storm whipped up, we're all in the same boat. Some people might be rowing. Others might be turning to Jesus in prayer. We're all in this together, so together, let us pray…"


Who can this be,

that wind and sea obey him?

It is Jesus!

Jesus, who calmed the raging waters

that we feared would overtake us.

Be with us now, Jesus.

Calm the storms in our hearts.

Still the surge of illness 

that sweeps across our world.

Heal the ill.

Protect those who care for them.

Comfort the scared and the mourning.

Strengthen us

when we lack in faith.


[also take a moment to listen to the song "Who Can This Be?" by David Haas]