Soli Salgado

Soli Salgado is Editor of the Global Sisters Report. Previously she was the International Editor and the Latin America correspondent and has reported from 13 countries for GSR and NCR, covering mostly migration, human trafficking, and Nuns & Nones. Born in Buenos Aires and raised in Wichita, Kansas, Soli graduated from the University of Kansas in 2013 with degrees in journalism, English, and Spanish, and joined NCR as a Bertelsen intern in 2015. Big loves include illustration, yoga, reading, travel and presidential history.

By this Author

Q & A with Sr. Liz Engel, placing children in adoptive families rather than foster care

Sr. Norma Pimentel at center of new documentary on migration

Events to join, ways to commemorate anti-trafficking day Feb. 8

Q & A with Sr. Nyzelle Dondé, leading a ministry to migrants in Honduras

Despite pandemic, sisters bring material aid, moral support to migrants

Sisters adapt food ministries to cope with pandemic, surge of those in need

CTU names first woman president: Dominican Sr. Barbara Reid

'People are raw': Sisters reflect on how we live together post-election

Sisters: The wisdom in not endorsing politicians

Sisters share spiritual foundation of activism with younger 'nones'

Sisters produce a 2020 voting guide; 11 justice-and-peace groups urge reflection

Network webinar offers a how-to in talking out political differences

Q & A with Sr. Jane Herb, new president-elect of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious

LCWR invests in the future of religious life, elevates social justice issues

LCWR's focus on grief helps sisters find solidarity amid loss of lives, ministries

LCWR president calls assembly to fight racism, forge future of vocations

Sr. Elise García is a bridge for sisters, younger and older, as she assumes LCWR presidency

A virtual LCWR assembly aims to discern modern role of women religious

Sr. Patricia Chappell has long been a leader. Now she's being honored for it

Chicago Pauline sisters witness destructive side of protests May 30