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UISG plenary prays for peace in Ukraine — and Putin, too, though 'it isn't easy'

As a world in pandemic seeks a return to normal, leaders urge vigilance, vaccines

In 2021, GSR chronicled how sisters carried on amid challenges and danger

Meet the new sisters panel for the fifth year of The Life

Save the planet: Sister-related updates from COP26, the UN climate change conference

Shocked Catholics mourn two nuns killed in South Sudan ambush

A Place to Call Home series among awards for writing for GSR, NCR

Tell us: What are the biggest changes your community faces because of COVID-19?

Re-creating Christmas: In global pandemic, sisters adapt their celebrations

UISG, LCWR leaders discuss connections in pandemic, women in diaconate, vocations in Africa

It's Election Day in the United States. Here's how sisters are marking the day.

Meet the new sisters panel for the fourth year of The Life

Checking in on sisters around the world: COVID-19 has constrained ministries

Amid pandemic, women religious persevere in ministries to those in need

The lives they lived: the Felician sisters lost during the COVID-19 pandemic

A Place to Call Home: Take a second look at these sisters working in homelessness and affordable housing

The importance of a place to call home during the pandemic

While keeping their distance under lockdown, sisters adjust with grace

'We haven't lost Christ in this': sisters under COVID-19 lockdown

Keeping up community: what sisters are doing amid COVID-19 lockdowns