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Making a difference in Appalachia is 'a privilege,' says religious sister

For religious, God's love is worth more than any earthly good, pope says

Not by numbers: Women religious finding new ways to minister, collaborate

Speakers: God calls people to build community, proclaim Gospel of life

Campaign pushes plans to make affordable housing a national priority

Quakes severely damage historic Puerto Rico convent of Sisters of Fatima

With wall on three sides, Comboni Sisters in West Bank build bridges

Poor Clares' contemplative monastery in Tennessee quietly closes

Migrants benefit from Mercy Sisters' ministry of presence

Baltimore archbishop says Mother Lange's sainthood cause moving forward

Advocates for poor expect new SNAP rule will boost hunger nationwide

Religious freedom is a basic human right, says lawyer for Little Sisters

Tensions arise in Canada around bishops' inquiry of Haitian group

Shareholder advocates alarmed that SEC proposal would limit their voice

Sister recalls vaudeville days and her family as 'Nine Dancing Donahues'

Good Shepherd sister receives 16th annual Opus Prize for work in Congo

As immigration lawyer, woman religious helps reduce clients' anxiety

Missionary says circus people are faith-filled, want presence of church

Siblings born two minutes apart continue strong bond as religious sisters

Family prayer, reading lives of saints inspire vocations, says sister