
Religious institutes in France determined to fight clergy sex abuse

Court reverses judge's transfer in high-profile trial of Indian bishop in nun's rape case

Monday Starter: Hulu's 'Dopesick' reprises Appalachian sister's role as drug counselor and advocate

Nepal grants bail to four Korean missionaries, including two nuns

After COP26, sisters pledge continued activism as 'an act of care'

Black sisters group takes archbishop to task for comments on social justice

Monday Starter: Virtual event to celebrate history of National Black Sisters Conference

Save the planet: Sister-related updates from COP26, the UN climate change conference

Catholic hospital in Lebanon losing staff as many nurses resign

White supremacy obscures the history of Black Catholic sisters, scholar says

Woman 'preaches' at concluding Mass for Ignatian Family gathering in Marseille

Monday Starter: 7 congregations join divestment announcement ahead of COP26

Death-row spiritual advisers weigh in on Supreme Court case

Risk manager's advice to religious: Prepare for the next natural disaster

Families in southern India unpack emotional baggage with the help of sisters

Sr. Helen Prejean: Solving the world's problems, big and small, takes community

Kentucky congregation confronts its slaveholding past, works for racial justice

In Houston, #RallyNuns may be Astros' secret weapon in World Series

Be women of hope, pope tells Salesian Sisters

Monday Starter: Sisters join interfaith event in support of Biden's 'Build Back Better' plan