
Vietnamese laypeople work in synergy with nuns

Sainthood causes for Benedictine sister and disabilities education advocate get US bishops' approval

Reporter's Inbox: SNL alludes to Pennsylvania Benedictines in post-election cold open

Hermanas en EE. UU., preocupadas por el 'bien común' tras victoria de Trump

US sisters called to be 'healing presence' following divisive election, Trump's win

Following Trump's victory, sisters express worry about future of 'common good'

Catholic reaction to Trump's 2024 election win falls along ideological lines

For sisters outside the US, the 'stakes are high' in 2024 election

Una hermana en el Sínodo: La Iglesia tiene que enfrentarse a la "indiferencia" ante el racismo

Accompanying those who answer God's call can be both a gift and a test

Benedictines fire back at social media post accusing sisters of voter fraud

Indian nuns working with Khasi Indigenous people in Bangladesh

Sister at synod says church has to face 'indifference' toward racism

Liz Cheney and Sr. Joan Chittister discuss the election, politics and future

Women say they want church to talk to them, not about them, on diaconate

Mexican nuns hopeful, but wary, as 1st female president takes office

Esperanza y cautela de religiosas ante nueva presidenta de México

St. Rachel Center provides child care for refugees, migrants in Jerusalem

A medida que disminuye la paciencia sobre los ministerios femeninos, una teóloga insta al diálogo

300 nuns spread out in Palai Diocese on 'home mission' to renew Catholics' faith