FCJs elect new General Superior

On 22 of October 2019, the delegates of the General Chapter of the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ) elected Sister Bonnie Moser as General Superior for the next six years. Aided by her Council, her role is to govern the FCJ Society, in accordance with its Constitutions.

Educated by the FCJs in Edmonton, Canada, Sister Bonnie entered the Society in 1968. She received a doctorate in educational administration, and spent some years as Principal of FCJ High Schools in both Calgary and Toronto. Later, after five years as Director of the FCJ Christian Life Centre in Calgary, she served for ten years as a member of the FCJ General Council, based in England. Currently she is Leader in the FCJ Area of the Americas.

Sister Bonnie is known as a woman of deep faith and hope, of broad vision, hospitality, humour and inclusivity. She has a talent for drawing out the giftedness of others.

Two days later, the Chapter elected Sisters Patricia Binchy, Ruth Casey and Judith Routier as members of the FCJ General Council. Sister Bonnie and the three assistants will take up office early in 2020.

Sr Patricia, originally from Charleville, Co. Cork, Ireland, has lived in several of the countries in which we serve: Ireland, England, France, Canada, Bolivia, Argentina and the USA. Having spent many years in secondary education, first as classroom teacher and then as principal, she also worked in pastoral ministry. She has experience as local leader, Province Leader and most recently, as general assistant to our previous General Superior, Sister Claire Sykes.

Sr Ruth was born in Penarth, Wales. She taught French at Lark Hill, Preston, UK and subsequently completed a degree in Psychology in Rome. She has been involved in the formation of younger FCJs for many years. She worked at the Jesuit Retreat House in Scotland before being named as Provincial of the FCJ European Province. Most recently she has been resident in Romania where she was local leader for several years.

Sr Judith is originally from Jersey, Channel Islands and began her ministry as an FCJ as a primary school teacher in England. She spent 10 years in Sierra Leone, teaching and working in the Kenema Diocese. After leaving Sierra Leone, Sr Judith spent many years in the Philippines, training leaders for Basic Ecclesial Communities. Her most recent ministry was as Province Leader of Asia-Australia.