Guide: 'Hidden homelessness' affects the status of women worldwide


Women in domestic abuse situations and victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking have special needs in addition to the need for safe and secure housing, so they can begin to heal from the trauma they have suffered. This is true for women in the U.S. as well as other countries around the world; unfortunately, some cultural attitudes make it very difficult for women to leave abusive households. Catholic sisters have always worked closely with women in many ministries and are aware of the different barriers women can face. Sisters work to educate people of faith and those in power about the abusive situations and women's special needs for healing spaces.


Catholic sisters not only do direct service for women and girls who are affected by abuse and violence, but they also educate others, including reaching out to those in power who are able to allocate funds for services for these women and to provide public-sponsored housing. We are all called by Catholic social teaching to advocate for justice for those on the margins, the oppressed and the suffering, who are often hidden from our view.


Divide your group into small groups of three or four. (During the exercise, check to see everyone in the group is doing their share of the work.) If you have limited time, have group members do the research and reading at home before the group brainstorms on the creative presentation.

Each small group will make a short "public service" video (or Instagram or TikTok) to "Shine Light on the Hidden" by providing information on the need for safe housing resources for women and girls who are victims of domestic violence, abuse or trafficking.

The members of the small group should use the Global Sisters Report article and do some additional web research on housing needs for women in domestic violence or trafficking situations; together, they will determine the basic information to share with others. They will then work to develop creative ways to present their information in a brief media presentation. Have all videos reviewed by the rest of the class for final editing. Review the final edits before students post the videos. 


What was the most interesting information you found and wanted your group to present to others?

What do you want viewers of your video to take away from your presentation?

Why is it so important to shine light on hidden justice issues?

What are some other ways to do so?

How can you use your talents in the future to help those whose needs may be hidden from much of the public?


Mary, Mother of Sorrows, you suffer with other mothers and with young women who are broken by abuse. Embrace and comfort these women in their suffering. Inspire us to recognize their pain, to shine a light on it, and to work to bring them healing and justice. Amen.