Caroljean Willie

Caroljean Willie

Caroljean (Cj) Willie is a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in sociology, a master's degree in reading and a Ph.D. in multicultural education. She has extensive experience working cross-culturally throughout the United States, the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. She served two terms of office as the NGO representative at the United Nations for the Sisters of Charity Federation prior to her current ministries as the program director for EarthConnection environmental center, sponsored by the Sisters of Charity. She has also done work internationally in the areas of microfinancing, teacher training, cultural diversity and sustainability.

By this Author

Amani School: A haven of hope for Kenya's street children

Blessed are they who are beautiful

Entertaining angels on the border

'From poverty to possibility,' sisters' microfinancing projects in Africa

In my own backyard

The Sustainable Development Goals in action

A call to ecological conversion

The human face of climate change