
The call of a simple Lent: Unclutter your spiritual house

Lent: A season to transform in love and fraternity

Lenten lamentation: Help us imagine new possibilities for world peace

Can you change your Lenten practices after Lent starts?

What are some ways nuns prepare for Lent?

Let's synchronize our hearts for inner and world peace

Time to renew your contemplative journey this Lent

Good Friday hope bridges pain and love at the border

If you want peace, let go of control

A lesson from a lime tree

A chocoholic's Lent

A Lenten commitment to spirituality after almost a year of lockdown

The Way of the Cross: the way of kindness

A Midwestern sister retreats to the desert

Lenten resilience and practice for us during the pandemic: prayer, fasting, almsgiving

Lent 2021: What to give up, when you feel like giving up

Lent not a time of 'giving up,' but of 'taking' time to be with God

A genuinely human Lent

Lent is a time of listening

Not too tidy: joy and holiness