Susan Rose Francois

Susan Rose Francois is the assistant congregation leader for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. She is co-editor of the forthcoming book Reseeding Religious Life through Global Sisterhood.  Read more of her work on her blog, At the Corner of Susan and St. Joseph.

By this Author

This Advent, let's incarnate peace

Time for Defragmentation

Not in my name

Choosing to resist for the whole

Build a nonviolent future

Stories to dispel disillusionment

Lent: Finding beauty amid life's mess

Finding light to resist Dementors

Let's wake each other up

The hour for 'our' is now

Losing humanity at border

Revolutionary relationships

Preserve her good example

Parkland shooting is a social sin

Keep calm, contemplate, resist

Advent waiting at the edge

Prayer as both gift and task

Dear Paul Ryan: an open letter

Renewing energy for religious life

If light is restricted, we drift further apart